Sunday, October 20, 2013

I did my second Fit Test today- I think I made a big improvement!  I feel good about being able to do what I did today and I can't even wait for day 30 so I can see what I can do then!  YES!  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Being up all night doing feedings with my newborn has worn me down during this cold & flu season.  I feel terrible.  Congested to the point of pain, yet somehow I also have a miraculously runny nose...not to mention the constant sneezing. If I wasn't breastfeeding I could take some cold medicine... but the baby's health comes first.

 BUT- I am proud of myself.  I got up at 7am and worked out anyway.  Instead of water breaks I did water and nose blowing breaks.  Also, I made it through the whole video without stopping once.  Couldn't do that the first time I did insanity cardio, but here, only 5 days later, I can. I'm impressed. 

 See you on the flip!

Monday, October 7, 2013

The hardest part is scheduling time, with a newborn and a three year old! Everything really revolves around the baby's feedings, since I'm breast feeding.  I just have to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate so he has enough food!  

I did another insanity workout today- I can't do all the exercises the way I'm supposed to, but I modified what I had to, and at one point, I just kept jogging.  My goal was to get through the 45 minutes and I did- without stopping!  Right now, that has to be enough. Next week will be a different story though. :)