Saturday, January 3, 2015

You Wouldn't Break a Promise to a Friend...Why would you Break a Promise to Yourself?

Good morning beautiful people! Today it's important for me to mention your own self-worth. You have to keep your promises to yourself to show yourself that you are VALUABLE. What are you putting off that you should be getting to? What promises have been made to yourself that you haven't kept?

When we break promises to ourselves, we are subconsciously devaluing ourselves. Don't be that guy that stands someone up, or the girl that says she will but then she doesn't. I would never promise someone I would give them a ride to the airport, then not show up. I would never tell someone I would watch their kids on Friday, then "forget" and go out instead. So WHY do we constantly think it's ok to tell ourselves we will do something, then just blow ourselves off?

I know it's not always easy, but remember: if anyone deserves to have your trust, it's you. And just like any other relationship, you have to earn that trust.

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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