Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why & How You Should Try New Foods!

So, when I first started coaching I ordered a bag of Greenberry Shakeology under Darrell. I wanted to have and try them all so I could speak honestly about each one. Guess what? I HATED IT. I believe my exact words to Darrell were "I'd rather lick an ashtray than drink this." Nice, huh?

Well, it's been almost 2 years since I tried it. I have had a few customers ask for samples, and I no longer had any. So I ordered a bag and broke it out this morning, fully expecting to think it was disgusting. Guess what? It was delicious. Darrell took one to work with him. On his way out the door, he stopped and asked me what The recipe was, because he likes it so much he wants to make it again.

➡️➡️➡️FYI I used one scoop Greenberry Shakeology, one cup of unsweetened cashew milk and 1/2 a cup of frozen peaches, totaling 1 ❤️ and 1/2 💜.⬅️⬅️⬅️

The point of this is NOT to get you to go order Greenberry Shakeoligy. The point is to get you to expand your thinking. Realize that as you start changing your eating habits, your tastebuds change. As you eliminate more and more processed foods and preservatives and artificial sweeteners, your body responds by regenerating taste buds that are open to nuances and flavor combinations that you may not have enjoyed before.

***Side Note: I finally found a way I love beets and cooked carrots- both things I thought I hated! You can scope out that recipe here!***

I challenge you to try something today that you thought you didn't like before. Maybe you haven't had it since you were a kid, but your mind tells you you still don't like it. Maybe you've only tried it raw, but should try roasting it (beets, anyone?). Maybe you had it canned, but not fresh. Either way, challenge yourself and share below what you will try- something old or something new!

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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