Thursday, January 21, 2016

The Power of Positive Affirmations

Sometimes the negative comes at you before you even get a chance to pick your mindset for the day. That's right, it's a choice! Today in my challenge group I asked them to write positive affirmations for themselves this morning. What would yours say?

What you SAY about your food will subconsciously become truth for your body. The same is true for what you say about your body. Your subconscious mind will believe the thoughts you say or think, thus making it a reality. Have you ever heard the expression "You create your own reality?" Have you ever stopped to think about what that means? It means that what we think, we become. So things like:

"I should be SO much further along".
"I am so fat"
"I look fat"
"I feel fat"
"I look gross in these jeans"
"Look at my disgusting muffin top!"
"I have thunder thighs"
"I'm behind everyone else."
"I should be able to do xxxx by now."
"Why is my body taking so long to change or catch up??"
"I shouldn't be eating this, it will make me fat."

The reality is that your thinking needs to change along with your body - in its own time on its own schedule - in order to be and more importantly STAY successful at reaching your health goals. Perhaps there are other things to learn about ourselves along this journey than just getting the results?!

Real, long-lasting change needs to occur within in order to REALLY change your health.

Look around and see what is unfolding around you. Its actually pretty awesome. It isn’t always how you LOOK in the beginning...focus on how you FEEL.

Since the first step in healing this is AWARENESS, what are some of the negative things you say to yourself? Replace one today with a POSITIVE AFFIRMATION. Write it down and share it with us today!

To contact me about joining Team Driven, having Free coaching and support, or getting started with a program and achieving your health and fitness goals, fill out this quick contact form and I'll get back to you ASAP!

Do you follow my fitness page on Facebook? Check it out for recipes, motivation, and more, and don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to never miss a recipe or a helpful tip! As always, live healthy, live happy. Love, Amanda

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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