Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hard Boiled Eggs: Tips and Tricks

So many people boiling eggs this weekend-- and as they are a regular part of my food prep, I have become sort of a pseudo-expert on them.

Eggs are not only a great source of protein, but also full of healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are vital for your body. I use them as a snack, in chef salads, for my husband's work lunch-- a dozen ways, really!

Place your eggs in a large pot of water, filling it an inch above the eggs. Place on your burner and set to high, waiting for what we call a rapid, "rolling boil." Once that is achieved, immediately turn off the burner, pull the pot OFF the heat, and cover it with a tight lid. You want to set a timer for exactly 12:00 minutes.

As soon as the timer goes off, you are going to put your eggs in an ice bath, so while try are sitting with the lid on OFF the heat, fill a bowl with an ice water bath. When the 12 minutes are up- place them in and let them sit. This stops the cooking process- as long as those eggs are warm, they are still cooking in that neat little she'll- and this is how you will end up with overdone eggs and yolks.

That's all it takes! After they've sat in the ice bath about 15 minutes, they are probably sufficiently cooled, and ready to be dried off and put in the fridge to use for the upcoming week, dyed for Easter, made into deviled eggs, or however you choose!

I hope this helped you with your egg-boiling mission! What are your go-to tricks and tips? Share them below- I love to hear from you! As always, thank you, and have a fabulous day!

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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