Wednesday, April 1, 2015

6 Tips for Ditching Bad Habits!

6 tips on how to ditch your bad habits, and implement some good ones!

1. For BIG results, think SMALL.
Whatever it is that you want to change about yourself is completely achievable, but first you’ve got to break down your goals into manageable chunks. For example, if you’re a poor eater, instead of going cold turkey and changing your entire diet in one big swoop, swap out one bad food/drink item at a time for a healthier choice.And if you make one of the swaps for a Shakeology®, not only will you be replacing something bad with something good, Shakeology will do wonders for your body.

2. Envision the positive outcome.
If you focus on one big benefit that comes with changing your bad habit, then you’ll have the motivation you need to be disciplined. Sure, cookies are delicious and give you instant gratification, but instead of thinking about the way they taste, think about how great you’re going to feel when you lose weight and can finally fit back into those jeans that mysteriously seemed to have shrunk in the dryer.

3. Create “If–Then” statements.
Instead of making a bold declaration that’s generic (example: “This year I won’t eat junk when I get hungry!”), rather create an “IF–THEN” statement that goes something like: “IF I get hungry in between meals, THEN I will eat almonds as my snack.”That way you have already prepped your brain for the action you want it to take. Plus, it puts a plan in place so you can stock up on healthy snacks ahead of time. The reality is, you eat what you buy.

4. Repeat your behavior.
The best way to establish new (and good) habits is to do it over and over and over again. And eventually you won’t even think about what you’re doing, and instead, it’ll become…A HABIT! For example, once you get in the habit of waking up 30 minutes earlier in the mornings and going for a walk (or do a quick Beachbody® workout), pretty soon it’ll just become what you do every day, and not doing it will seem weird.

5. Don’t completely restrict your cravings.
Sometimes, when people try and suppress negative thoughts, they actually come back with a vengeance. So if you’re craving chocolate, go ahead and treat yourself to a small portion. Just don’t eat the whole box of chocolates. Or, just have a Chocolate Shakeology.

6. Set small goals, then reward yourself when you achieve them.
Whether you’re aware of it or not, human beings make decisions based on incentives. It’s just the way we’re wired. So to help you achieve your goals, make a deal with yourself that when you reach a particular milestone, you’ll treat yourself to a new ______________. Just make sure that the reward is something healthy. For example: “When I lose 5 pounds, I’ll buy myself a new pair of running shoes.”
The results are worth it.

And there you have it, 6 easy ways to break up with bad habits while implementing some healthy ones into your life. Sure, change isn’t easy. But it is doable. You’ve just got to get over the hump and dump your bad habits once and for all. AND That is why I run successful online challenge groups!! You are ready for a change! Let’s do this!

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