Sunday, June 14, 2015

So yesterday I was running behind, and I didn't have time to get my food in order for work. For someone who's pretty much mastered being prepared in order to make better choices, It was an epic fail. We had NOTHING! How did this happen!? Who does the grocery shopping around here, anyway!? 😜

I had my Shakeology, so that's my "healthiest meal of the day" that I can't live without, but what else!? My life isn't about living off of shakes alone- I have one a day and then a ton of healthy, delicious food too! So... What do you do to avoid the classic pitfalls of poor nutrition I used to make all the time, which were A.) Go to work and scavenge on whatever I healthy crap I find lying around, or B.) (and worse yet!) eat nothing at all?

Well, I went to the grocery store on my lunch break with a speed mission. In two minutes, I was able to buy a healthy, balanced meal for less than $6- which I would easily have spent at a fast food place, where a "Value Meal" will cost you between $8 and $10 artery clogging dollars! So this is not only a time saver, but a health saver as well.

Start in the produce section! I found pink lady apples on sale for $1.49 a pound and bought two of them. I circled around to the deli and found a rotisserie all natural, no-hormone added free range chicken for $5.99 (the whole chicken!). Then I swooped through the freezer section and grabbed a steamer bag of cauliflower and broccoli- they were 2/$3. Total spent? $10.50-- which put my meal at $5.25 for the night without ruining my health and hard work. Plus, I saved money over hitting up a drive through-- and now I have tomorrow's food ready to go!

What's the hardest part of eating healthy for you?
C-"Too Expensive"
D-I don't like healthy food
E-I don't know where to start

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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