Friday, May 29, 2015

When "Stuff Happens" and Life Gets Difficult: How to Handle a Bad Day.

Ok, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. We've all had "those days." You know, the ones where you are lying in bed in the morning with the best of intentions, thinking about getting up. You stretch luxuriously, open your eyes, and think, "what a beautiful day it's going to be..." As you head down to pour your morning cup of coffee. And then it starts. S*** hits the fan.

Today began in a not-so-great-way, with a little friction and bickering with my husband. Would I like to pretend it doesn't happen? Sure. But nobody's perfect, including myself. I put on my big girl pants and apologized to him (and my kids) for yelling and being upset. ***On an unrelated note, if you've never taken the time to apologize to your kids when you've been a jerk, you should try it.***

After trying like crazy to get my morning workout done, it simply wasn't happening. My 21 month old son kept being whiny, my kids couldn't seem to occupy themselves for ten minutes, and frankly, I was just getting frustrated. I knew we had grocery shopping to do, so I decided to scrap the workout (I was running out of time before work) and head to the store for much needed items like baby wipes and milk.

If you follow me on facebook, you may have seen this post:

Well, that's what happened next. My 4-year-old asked me if I would let her take a picture of us. After many giggles, she told me I had done the entire shopping trip with my skirt on backwards. Wonderful! I had to laugh at myself. We headed home, and promptly after coming in the door, my son threw up everywhere. Yay! Time to clean the carpet! So I grabbed the carpet cleaner and got on my hands and knees to scrub, only to come into the next room and see not only my business calendar totally annihilated, but my wall as well.

What's the point of all this stuff? Why am I telling you this? Well, one, because I like to share. It's just who I am. Two, because I think you might be able to relate. We've all had crazy, nothing-is-going-right days before. And three, because it's a teachable moment. You see, it's not the amount of crap life throws at us, but for lack of better words, how we deal with it and clean up the mess. So what did I do to combat the stress?

After cleaning up the messes and getting the kids settled down for naps, I decided to take a scoop of this stuff and get after it. What is it? Energy and Endurance, Beachbody's pre-workout drink. (You can learn more about that here.) Get after what? A workout, of course! A killer, knock-your-socks-off, nothing-can-defeat-me, I-got-this-handled kind of workout. I'm thinking I'm going for a full-blown Insanity workout today, one of my all time favorite workouts. Because exercise is a great reliever of stress. And two, because my body craves the release. I put on my favorite song, extra loud, and took two minutes to dance around crazily with my kids. Music heals the souls, and dance releases the joy. :)

Afterwards, I put a positive Podcast on my iPhone on speaker, set it on the counter in my bathroom, and took a long, cool shower. Making a conscious effort to adjust your mindset can truly make the difference between letting something bother you, affect you, or control you. And I refuse to be controlled by events or circumstances. I hope these stories made you laugh today- I know they did me. And if any of these tips or tricks helped you, please let me know in the comments! I love to hear from you guys! What do you do on a bad day? Let me know! As always, live healthy, live happy. And cheers to better days!

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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