Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What do you do When You're Stressed?

Yesterday was a heck of a day. Luckily, because I'm doing the 3 Day Refresh, there's no working out required for three days. Does that mean I forget about my body for a few? No! That means I take extra time to listen to it.

My husband worked late, and I had a lot going on around the house. I was sore and tired by the time he came home, after a day filled with diaper explosions, messes to clean, and several epic tantrums from an 18 month old who thinks strawberries are the only food group. When I finally got them to bed, I looked around at a house full of laundry piled on the couch to fold and dishes stacked in the sink to wash. What to do first?

Breathe. I made a selfish decision and grabbed my yoga mat. I dimmed the lights. And I took 1/2 an hour for me. Guess what? The dishes were still there (and then my husband washed them). I'm folding the laundry this morning. And the world kept on turning. But I feel better. Sometimes you need to re-evaluate and Quiet the mind. 💗 What do you do when you are stressed out?

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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