Thursday, February 12, 2015

Solution: Bold Balsamic Steak Salad

I often have cravings for red meat (yes, I'm one of those!), but I tend to eat the same types of foods (my husband and I love to grill steak on Sunday nights, so that's usually my big red meat night). This week, however, I scored a great deal on steaks, buy two get two free (I love a bargain). Does this mean we ate four steaks? NO! What it means is I had two steaks left over. But what do you do with leftover steaks?

Well, here's a tasty solution that won't ruin your nutrition, is versatile enough to use up leftovers, and will ultimately hit that red meat craving but in a lighter way. Here's what you'll need:

-2 lean steaks (5-6 ounces, flank, extra-lean tenderloin or sirloin)
-4 cups mixed salad greens
-1 cup sliced red onion (or 1/2 an onion)
-1 cup diced or chopped tomato (or halved cherry tomatoes)
-1/2 cup Balsamic vinegar

I used extra steak from Sunday, so mine was already cooked. I love a simple mixture of fresh cracked pepper, minced garlic, and Himalayan sea salt as my rub. If you need help cooking your steak, let me know and I'd be happy to help. Assuming you're ready like me or already have a favorite seasoning blend, move on to the first step.

Pour your balsamic vinegar into a nonstick saucepan set to about medium. You're actually going to bring it to a boil, but to me, this sweet vinegar is one that seems to be doing nothing but sit there, yet the minute you look away its boiling over- so don't go too far or start it off too high. It WILL burn if you let it!

In the meantime, you can chop your tomatoes, prep your salad mix (I prefer to add spinach as well), and slice up that onion. I also like to add a little chopped radish or red pepper for crunch and sweetness- feel free to get creative... But don't forget to keep an eye on that vinegar!

Once it starts boiling, immediately lower it to a simmer-- that gentle yet steady bubbling. This is "reducing" the vinegar down to a thicker consistency, more like a glaze. After about 3-5 minutes (and yes, you'll want to stir it frequently- I prefer a nonstick rubber spatula for this), you'll see the glaze has formed into a thicker texture. This is what you want.

Go ahead and remove it from the heat and drizzle it across your two salads, with the steak of course artfully arranged on top. Whalah! An easy, ten minute dinner that will satisfy a health-conscious and hungry person, all in one!

Your 21 Day Fix equivalent for this dish is 2💚Green and 1❤️Red. Please, let me know in the comments what you think of this, or any of my other recipes. And feel free to LIKE this blog, SHARE this post, or +1 this recipe! Thanks and have a gorgeous dinner!

Star Diamond Coach Amanda Noddings

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