Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ultimate Reset Day One

So... Day one of the Ultimate Reset. I can tell you now that I am still scared. What in the world was I thinking? But if there is one thing I know about the new Amanda, its that I am not afraid to commit to something and stick to it. So, here's how day one went. 

Breakfast consisted of 2 scrambled eggs, a piece of whole grain toast, and steamed kale. I tried eating these ingredients individually, but actually found it most delicious just piled on the toast together! I felt satisfied and full afterwards, which was one of my big fears.

So a key to this program is going to be prep, and I can tell you, I was totally overwhelmed, even with the book. Prep!? I'm a prepping PRO! But prep what?!? I was getting increasingly agitated and stressed out as I watched the time tick away for the day- after all, I may be up at 6am every day, but my day doesn't end until 1am! So how is this food going to last me 18 hours!? And where do I start?

What I ended up doing was logging into the Beachbody Ultimate Reset Facebook pages. I wasn't sure how much help it would be, but it turned out to be vital! There is a separate group for each week of the reset, and there are people who remain in the groups after they've finished that help by responding to your questions and commenting on posts. This was a big turning point for me in the day. On the advice of the group, I ended up prepping the miso soup (x3 for the week) which only took 5 minutes to make. I then ended up toasting the pumpkin seeds as well, portioning them out into small containers to be used later.

Here was my lunch: miso soup, pumpkin seeds, and a microgreen salad. The amount of vegetables in the salad really forces you to take your time and chew things thoroughly. As you do this, you begin to realize that it is more than enough food. By the time i finished the salad, I almost topped myself completely off with the soup- which i have never ventured to make but totally loved.

Now, dinner was a whole different ballgame. MEAT! Yes, I was allowed to have Salmon for dinner, which was delicious. I seasoned it up according to the recipe in the book, and along with some steamed new potatoes and asparagus, I had this healthy delicious dinner at about 8pm at work. This was something I would eat any time, so I was more than satisfied with this meal.

At the end of the day, I was very tired, but I feel that was no more than I normally am with the long busy days I work. One of my regrets was that I didn't do the optional snack in the afternoon, and about three hours after lunch, I was starving and needed to make it several more hours 'til dinner. So that is something I will be doing differently tomorrow. I hope following my journey is helpful to someone, and I can't wait to see how it goes for the next 20 days!

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