Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Healthier, Happier Thanksgiving... and Chocolate Shakeology® Cream Pie!

I am ALL about enjoying the holiday- Thanksgiving only comes once a year, right? Unfortunately, statements like these are what get us into the trouble over the holidays. It's like we're giving ourselves permission, in advance, to feel like crap. But don't worry- there are a few things you can do to help yourself stay on track (or pretty close!) while still enjoying yourself and having a great time. 

First things first! Plate your greens! If you set up your plate to have your veggies laid out first, you will have a WAY better chance, right off the bat. You see, when you go for the salad, green beans, etc. first, you have less room on your plate for junk. 

Next, add your lean turkey. Sure, it may be basted in fats and butters and oils, but it's still a key component of a healthy plate: lean protein! You can also head straight over to the fruits to add a little sweet to your plate. Try and avoid Grandma's cool whip marshmallow surprise and instead hit up some fresh berries, melon, or pineapple from the fruit tray. 

By now, 3/4 of your plate should be full, predominantly of delicious veggies, fruits, and turkey. This is where my favorite part comes in. Stuffing! Potatoes! Yum! "But wait!" you say.  "I don't have much room left on my plate!?" 

Perfect. That's exactly as it should be. Chances are, after you eat everything on that plate and sit a minute, you're probably going to realize you are actually very full, and don't need another trip. After all, you want room for dessert, don't you? 

Ahhh, dessert. Of course, there are always staples like pecan pie and pumpkin, but this year I'm setting myself up for success with this delicious Shakeology Chocolate Cream Pie. It's so yummy, you won't even realize it's healthier than the alternatives! Here's how I made it. 

You can buy a store bought graham cracker crust, although I made mine by hand. I simply used a half cup of almond flour and a half cup of coconut flour, stirred in a bowl with a half Tablespoon of Stevia and a 1/4 teaspoon of salt. After mixing those together, I added 4 Tablespoons of butter and mixed it together with a fork (this would be easy in a food processor- just a few pulses- but I don't have one). Then add two eggs and plus or mix again until you have a ball of dough. Roll it out between waxed paper and whalah! You have a healthy, gluten free crust that tastes delicious. I baked it at 350 degrees for 7-9 minutes until firm and golden. 

On to the filling: simply mix the following in a blender:  2 scoops chocolate Shakeology, 2 Tablespoons nonfat milk, one 12 oz. container of tofu (firm or silken), and a half cup of natural peanut butter. Blend it all together and spread in your pie crust. 

This pie is a hit with the entire family, and gives you at least one option for a guilt free Thanksgiving (or any day) dessert. Enjoy your loved ones this holiday and I hope you have a safe and fun holiday! 

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