Monday, September 22, 2014

What's Holding YOU Back?

This morning, I started actively participating in a free training series through a fellow coach named Mindy Wender, called 21 Days to Thrive. It called for me to write down certain things, to analyze what may be holding me back. Well, this seemed pretty common sense to me at first, not very helpful.  But as I listened, I finally pressed pause on her video and took out the pen & paper.

I mean, what's holding me back? What is keeping me from being as successful as I possibly can be in life, and in everything else I do? I consider myself to actually BE fairly successful already, but of course everyone has those little doubts, those creeping little voices in the back of their head that whisper words like "other people can, not you..."

So I put it on paper. What is holding me back? Doubts and Fears, for starters. Yes, I realize I capitalized those. Because they are living, breathing things.  My biggest hold-up is a fear of failure, or so I thought. But in reality, its a fear of disappointing others. What if someone I am coaching doesn't achieve their goals? What if I can't give them what they need? What if, try as I might, I can't inspire them to achieve what they set out to achieve? This is my greatest fear.

Another is insecurity. Yes, I still struggle with that. I am afraid people will see me and think, "she can't coach! She doesn't have a super-model body." That's right I said it- I don't! I am not trying to be stick thin. I am not even done with my own personal journey. I no longer have a set pounds-lost goal, sure, but I have things I want to achieve. I am striving to be my best and healthiest self. Toned. And I'm not all the way there yet. So what if people make fun of me? Tell me I'm not good enough? Then what will I do? Will my business crumble? Will people stop believing in me, and therefore, themselves?

I also fear being misunderstood. This is kind of a new one for me, and one I didn't realize I had. I wonder if people know how much I really, truly care about helping others? That the idea of helping someone not feel that depressed, less-than way I used to feel, is my number one motivator. Helping them to get off medication, helping them to be more active to play with their children. Helping them to LIVE. BREATHE. LOVE. I hope so.

So my takeaways from this exercise? I refuse to let it control me-- the fear, that is. I refuse to be held back. After all, when Olivia was just a peanut in my tummy, was I scared? Sure! But I didn't let that fear keep me from having her! When I did the Insanity Fit Test and could barely make it through, did I let the fear of the rest of the program keep me from pushing play? No. I did not. So why would I let this fear keep me from leading the best, most successful life I can? From being the most amazing wife, mother, and coach possible? I don't know. But I'm not stopping now. For anything.

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